When you move into your first Maryland condo, acquiring insurance probably isn’t going to be the first thing on your mind. Or the second. Or the third. You’ll likely be more concerned with moving your things from your old apartment, or ensuring you get off on the right foot with the individuals who hold sway in your condo association. You may be looking into schools for your kids, or figuring out the best way to get to work now that you’ve moved. Maybe you’ll go out to Baltimore or Washington, D.C., to celebrate a little bit.
But getting Bel Air condo insurance is one of the most crucial things that new condo dwellers should concern themselves with. You don’t want to be on the hook for thousands in damages should an accident occur, and most condo associations require their members to purchase some type of insurance for their units anyway. However, having a comprehensive insurance plan that protects your investment doesn’t have to cost you thousands. There are a few ways that savvy condo owners save on their insurance policies.